Astrada Profitability Analysis
Costing & Profitability
Discover Deeper Insights with Astrada's Profitability Analysis
Go beyond sales and gross margin data. Understand the core factors driving total profitability across various dimensions, such as customers, products, markets, channels, and segments. Maintain the solution over time as your business evolves with our user-friendly software.

Two Decades of Expertise: Astrada's Proven Profitability Solution
Astrada has over two decades of experience in implementing system solutions for vertical profitability information, working with companies and organizations of all sizes, from small businesses to global enterprises.
Experience has proven that high awareness of what actually drives profitability leads to both substantial enhancements in bottom line results, as well as in internal efficiency. Over this period, we have developed the Astrada Profitability Solution Process - ensuring a fast and high-quality implementation.
Key benefits of Astrada Profitability Analysis
Transparent Profitability with Full Traceability
Our visual calculation model simplifies the process of tracking cost allocations, from imported source data to the final result.

Use the application for both actual and budgeted cost and revenue calculations. It is equally effective for simulating scenarios related to product mix, costs, volumes, and more. Easily integrate the model with existing source systems for seamless, frequent calculations.
Our user-friendly software allows you to adapt and easily maintain the solution as your business evolves
Create customized dashboards for in-depth analysis
Generate reports directly within the application or export them to external BI tools

What our clients say